In a recent article, Trump’s trap: leave vs remain (OpenDemocracy, January 17 2019), Paul Rogers, recipient of the 2018 WFMC World Peace Award, discusses US President Donald Trump’s recent abrupt announcements of the intention to withdraw US forces from Syria and reduce those in Afghanistan.
In the conclusion of the article, Rogers references the UNEPS proposal (in particular, H Peter Langille’s 2012 article A UN Emergency Peace Service?) in the final paragraph:
“Such two-sided consequences reveal a larger problem in the world’s security resources: the lack of truly internationalist capability. This is badly needed, and especially from within the United Nations system. A well funded and trained peacekeeping and peacebuilding force, readily available for deployment, would hugely improve chances for peace. In looking to the next decades, and the world after Trump, that is something we have to work for.”
More information on the proposal for United Nations Emergency Peace Service can be found on the WFMC website.
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