World Federalist Conference

Click to watch clips from the 2024 Conference

What is the World Federalist Conference?

The World Federalist Conference is hosted annually by the World Federalist Movement - Canada (WFM-Canada). The 2024 Conference took place in February and delved into the critical theme of "Collaborative solutions for a sustainable future." It aims to providing a pivotal platform for thought leaders, experts, and advocates to engage in substantive discussions. The Conference is organized by WFM-Canada and proudly co-sponsored by the World Federalist Movement - Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP), Citizens for Global Solutions (CGS), and Democracy Without Borders (DWB).

Event Highlights

Join the Global Conversation

The 2024 Conference offered an array of guest speakers and panel discussions covering various topics in global environmental governance. Participants had the opportunity to engage in Q&As and interact with passionate individuals interested in more equitable and effective world governance!

Model World Parliament

Experience the Model United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA), a simulation where delegates draft resolutions on global issues. Engage with cross-border issues, debate solutions, and envision how a UNPA could forge a path toward more effective and inclusive global policy.

Outstanding Delegate Award

Nada Abdallah's exceptional performance in the 2024 simulation earned her the "Outstanding Delegate" title, an accolade that includes the opportunity to represent WFM-Canada at this year's Ventotene International Seminar in Italy! Hosted by the Spinelli Institute, this seminar offers a vibrant platform for engaging discussions on European integration and world federalism.

Ventotene International Seminar

The winner of 'Outstanding Delegate ' in the UNPA will get the opportunity to represent the World Federalist Movement - Canada at the Ventotene International Seminar!

Learn more

Documents for Delegates in the Model UNPA

Delegate Handbook

The Model UNPA delegates handbook is an invaluable resource that not only lays out the essential rules and procedures of parliamentary debate but also offers expert tips on how to construct powerful and impactful resolutions.

UNPA Resolution Template

The UNPA resolution template is a handy tool designed to help delegates craft compelling proposals that can be presented at a UNPA session with confidence and precision.

Support the World Federalist Movement - Canada

As a non-profit, we rely on donations to fund our events and outreach. Every contribution supports our mission of building a more democratic, peaceful, and just world. It also helps us provide meaningful opportunities for engagement like the World Federalist Conference!


Interested in getting involved futher

WFM-Canada hosts workshops, lectures, and webinars throughout the year to promote global governance reform.

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