NoFirstUse Global Open Letter - Take Action August 2022

World Federalists support the application of federalism principles in world affairs, so as to foster more equitable, just and democratically accountable global governance systems.

Earlier this year, the Executive Director of the World Federalist Movement - Canada, Alex MacIsaac signed the NoFirstUse Global Open Letter calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons, joining over 1,400 organizations that support this cause. This week the open letter was presented to the 10th Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT).

UPDATE: NoFirstUse Global Open Letter calling for the elimination of nuclear weapons presented to the NPT Review Conference

NoFirstUse Global Open Letter to be presented to the NPT Review Conference 

The 10th Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) opened on Monday August 1 with a stark warning from UN Secretary-General António Guterres.

From the Middle East and the Korean Peninsula. To Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. The clouds that parted following the end of the Cold War are gathering once more", he told leaders, ministers and ambassadors of nuclear-armed, allied and non-nuclear countries, along with civil society representatives gathered at the United Nations for this 4-week long event. 

We have been extraordinarily lucky so far. But luck is not a strategy. Nor is it a shield from geopolitical tensions boiling over into nuclear conflict. Today, humanity is just one misunderstanding, one miscalculation away from nuclear annihilation.”

Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security

Fulfil the NPT: From nuclear threats to human security, a civil society Open Letter organised by NoFirstUse Global, will be presented to the afternoon plenary session of the NPT Review Conference today (Friday August 5, New York time) by John Hallam a member of the NoFirstUse Global steering committee and the Australian Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND).

Over 1400 political, military and religious leaders, as well as legislators (parliamentarians and mayors), academics, scientists, business leaders, youth, lawyers, artists, Nobel Laureates and other representatives of civil society from 80 countries have endorsed the Open Letter, which calls on the NPT States Parties to:

  • End the nuclear arms race and phase out the role of nuclear weapons in security policies starting with no-first-use;
  • Commit to a time bound framework for the global elimination of nuclear weapons no later than 2045, the 75th anniversary of the NPT;
  • Adopt a concrete plan to implement this commitment including through the systematic and progressive reduction of nuclear arsenals;
  • Agree to shift budgets and public investments from the nuclear weapons industry to instead support public health, climate stabilization, and sustainable development.

The Open Letter, including a categorized list of endorsers, is available to view or download as a PDF file.

The NPT plenary session at which the Open Letter will be presented today can be watched on UNTV.


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