Urge Support Women Peace Builders in the 2023 Budget - Take Action February 2023

World Federalists support the application of federalism principles in world affairs, so as to foster more equitable, just and democratically accountable global governance systems.

Urge Support for Women Peace Builders in the 2023 Budget!

This is an intersectional way for you to take action. It supports women's representation in peace processes and enhances human rights protections through gender inclusivity, climate resiliency approaches, and by encouraging collaboration with critical grassroots movements that empower women across several critical spheres.

Take Action Today! Write to your Member of Parliament 

Last year, the federal government took a step toward fulfilling a promise it made during the 2021 Throne Speech. That promise was to increase Canada’s international assistance budget each year, and invest in sustainable, equitable, and feminist development that benefits the world’s most vulnerable and promotes gender equality.  

In its last budget, the government increased its international assistance envelope (IAE) from $7.6 billion in 2021/2022 to $8.2 billion. It is a step in the right direction, but it remains exceptionally low when compared to the contributions of other countries like Norway. Canada’s IAE remains about half the international standard of 0.7 percent of Gross National Income, or less than one penny for every dollar.  

Where this funding is allocated is important too. Funds targeted to grassroots women’s organizations and movements are essential for effective peace building and sustainable development. 

In the lead-up to Budget 2023, please join us in urging the government of Canada to increase its IAE by $0.6 billion above the current financial commitments to reach a minimum of $10 billion in the 2025 budget and to ensure this funding reaches grassroots women’s rights and peace building organizations.

Canada's Role

We believe that Canada, as a high-income country, has an obligation to support low-income countries in their efforts to build solid foundations for peace, well-being, equity, human rights, and resiliency.  

We know that women are impacted disproportionately by the climate crisis. They are also the ones at the forefront of climate action thanks to their local knowledge, relationship with the environment and regenerative practices in agriculture. As Canada has also profited from industries that impact the Global South through overseas extraction projects and greenhouse gas emissions, it has a duty to provide financial assistance to overseas communities committed to sustainable peace and development.  

That is why we also urge the government to increase climate finance commitments from $5.3 billion over five years to at least $1.8 billion annually to the Global South and to ensure that this funding is gender-responsive, supports racial justice and prioritizes funding for grassroots women’s organizations and Indigenous organizations. 

We know that women are the key to building back better and that Canada has a world-class Feminist International Assistance Policy that requires funding. 

We ask the government to increase its IAE to reach the international standard by 2030, meet its international climate commitments and ensure that funding reaches grassroots women’s rights, Indigenous and peace building organizations.  

What you need to do to take action today!

Simply fill out your contact details and submit this letter to your MP. A copy of it will automatically be sent to the Ministers of Finance, International Development, Foreign Affairs, Environment and Climate Change, and Women and Gender Equality and Youth. 


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