WFM-Canada Week for World Parliament

October 24th, 2022

Fellow World Federalists,

Today is UN Day, coinciding with Disarmament Week and the Week for World Parliament! On October 24th, 1945, the UN Charter came into effect, marking the official creation of the United Nations and a great leap towards the unification of our world community!

Disarmament Week was established in 1978, following the First Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to Disarmament which called UN Member-States to abandon the use of force in international relations and seek security in disarmament. Although we have seen many developments to our global governance structures over the years since its creation, we have also identified some notable weaknesses and failures in its structure and actions.

As World Federalists, we continue to push for a more democratic and efficient UN! We support the Week for World Parliament’s call on the UN Secretary-General, the President of the UN General Assembly, and all UN Member States to support the creation of a world parliament and to initiate a World Summit for Inclusive Global Governance to deliberate on and approve the necessary reforms to our current system of global governance. 

We can all do our part to make a difference – please consider donating or renewing your membership contribution for the 2022 calendar year! Your contribution can be made payable to the World Federalist Foundation (tax receipt provided; funds dedicated to research and educational efforts), or to the World Federalist Movement – Canada (no tax receipt provided; funds dedicated to WFMC programs, including advocacy efforts in Canada and internationally). 

In global solidarity, 

Alexandre MacIsaac
Executive Director | Directeur exécutif

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