World Federalists active at academic conferences

On May 4 and 5, WFMC Board member Florencia Gor and Jacob Leon (international law student at Dalhousie University) will be introducing the Latin American and Caribbean Criminal Court Against Transnational Organized Crime (COPLA, after the Spanish “Corte Penal Latinoamericana y del Caribe Contra el Crimen Transnacional Organizado”) at the Transnational Criminal Law in the Americas Conference, taking place at the University of Windsor. Leon will present a paper discussing the Court and reviewing the institutional frameworks and precedents on which it is based. Gor will represent COPLA on behalf of the campaign´s coalition; hoping to gather further support. The COPLA proposal has attracted high level support from the governments of Argentina, Chile and Uruguay. This will be the first presentation of the COPLA proposal to an academic English-speaking audience.

The Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, takes place May 27 to June 2, at Ryerson University in Toronto. The Congress is Canada’s largest interdisciplinary conference, attracting scholars, researchers, policy makers and practitioners from across the country.

WFMC Board Chairperson John Trent has organized a roundtable May 30 during the annual meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association titled How Do We Create Workable Global Institutions? Speakers include fellow world federalists Sylvain Pâquet (University of Ottawa), Peter Langille (Centre for Global Studies), Myron Frankman (McGill University), and Walter Dorn (Royal Military College of Canada).

Later in the week, on June 1 from 2:00 – 4:30pm, WFMC Toronto Branch President Helmut Burkhardt will lead a workshop entitled Desirability and Feasibility of a World Federation, at the annual meetings of the Canadian Peace Research Association. Speakers in this panel are: 
Dr Helmut Burkhardt, Professor of Physics Emeritus, Ryerson University, Toronto. “Priorities for a Culturally Unbiased World Federation”
Mr Peter Venton, B.A. (Economics), retired senior economist and policy advisor, Ministry of Finance in the Government of the Province of Ontario. “Peace Dividend of a World Federation”
Dr Walter Dorn (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.- Chemistry; University of Toronto), Professor of Defence Studies at the Royal Military College, Kingston, and the Canadian Forces College, Toronto. “World Federalism and a more technologically-enabled United Nations”
Dr John E Trent, former Chair of the Department of Political Studies at the University of Ottawa and Senior Fellow of the Centre on Governance. “Getting there”
Dr Shreesh Juyal, President, Canadian Peace Research Association. “The Non-Align Foreign Policy Determinants of India”
Dr Danny Goldstick, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Toronto. “A Case Against”

The WFMC 2017 AGM and Board meeting will take place June 3, also in Toronto.

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