Toronto Branch Board of Directors

Norbert D'Costa, President

Norbert D’Costa is a retired Information Technology Manager with a BSc in Physics and Mathematics.  Born and raised in India, Norbert moved to Saudi Arabia after his education where he worked for 16 years.  He immigrated to Canada in 1991 shortly after the first Gulf War.

Besides living and experiencing many years in South Asia, the Middle East and North America, Norbert has travelled to many countries in Europe, and to Australia, New Zealand and mainland China, experiencing diversity in language, culture, religions.

In a Federated World Government Norbert sees how diverse peoples can come together at a global level to tackle climate change, piracy on the high seas, and avoid wars between nations without in any way taking away the sovereignty they currently enjoy.  That is why Norbert is active in the World Federalist Movement, promoting its success.

Rose Dyson, Vice-President & Director of Communications

Rose Dyson, Ed.D, is a Consultant in Media Education with a doctorate in adult education. She has served on the executives of media studies and peace organizations, both locally and globally, provided consultations to industry and government and attended numerous sessions of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in NYC. She is now also active with Just Earth, a member of the Climate Action Network, Canadians Concerned About Violence In Entertainment, the Anti Child Exploitation on the Internet Team, Friends of Egerton Ryerson and the Global Ecological Integrity Group.

She has spoken at national and international conferences on media issues, youth education, teachers’ professional development, crime prevention and sustainable development. Her book, MIND ABUSE Media Violence And Its Threat to Democracy (2021) is a second edition. She has chapters and papers published in numerous peer reviewed books and journals. For 17 years she edited The Learning Edge, for the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education.

John Cowan, Secretary-Treasurer

John Cowan is a retired professional engineer and management consultant with an M.B.A. John retired from his own business of energy and environmental management consulting for large building owners and institutions in 2017.  That work had taken him around the world where he observed the similar life ambitions of everyone he met. Therefore his focus after retiring became the lack of global legal structure to enforce good environmental management standards, amongst other pressing global problems.

In his spare time John played leading roles in local charities and in the development of international professional standards in the new field of energy management. He has supported development of a world federation through his membership in WFMC since 1990.


Erica Wilson

Erica Wilson graduated from the Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, obtaining a Master of Global Affairs (MGA) with an emphasis in innovation policy. In 2019, Erica did an internship with UNICEF’s Human Rights Unit in Geneva where she attended the Human Rights Council as well as several country reviews at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights related to individual countries’ compliance with the Convention on the Rights of the Child. She continues her passion for global governance through her work in non-profits and in her role as Narrative Designer for a peacekeeping videogame that explores the impact of climate change on peacekeeping, humanitarian operations, and local populations.

Peter Venton

Peter Venton holds a BA Honours Economics degree from the University of Western Ontario and an MA Economics degree from Queen’s University.  He was a senior economist in the Ontario Government’s Ministry of Finance for 24 years.  In his retirement, he has published articles on political economy including “Towards World Federalism for International Peace and a Sustainable Environment.”  Currently he is the lead of the Global Issues Project in the Canadian Pugwash Group. The mission of the GIP is to search for and develop policies to socioeconomic and environmental threats to human security .


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